Welcome to our website, which we created to keep friends and family updated the status of our little baby boy. On Feb 5th, at almost 27 weeks pregnant, my water broke during a two day visit to OKC. I'm now being hospitalized in OKC and will try to post updates here for those who'd like to follow us through this experience. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our little guy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

66 days

We've graduated to the "NICU village"! The village is part of the NICU for babies that don't need as "intensive" of care. My doctor calls NICU "baby jail" so Chris calls "the village" the baby "halfway house". Owen is now a "feeder/grower". He can tolerate full feedings through his feeding tube, but now he needs to be able to nurse full feedings to be able to go home. The doctors say this can vary greatly, from a few days to a few weeks. Hopefully he'll quickly gain the endurance to nurse longer.

This is my 7th room change since I've been at the hospital. I've stayed in 1) Rm 4122- OB special care, 2) Rm 4130- OB special care, 3) Rm 17 - delivery, 4) Rm 4136 - post pardum, 5) Ronald McDonald - Anna's room, 6) Parent Hotel- Garrison tower, 7) Rm 7226 - NICU Village. The next one will be back home in Michigan!!

I have to mention one more thing- the complete paradox of hospital life. These are my instructions from the doctors/nurses/lactation consultants: 1) be sure to try and nurse 8x/day at every feeding, 2) pump 8-10 x/day, 3) do Kangaroo care at least 3 hours each day, 4) drink lots of water (but you can't have water in the NICU), 5) eat lots of food (but you can't have food in the NICU), 6) get lots of sleep, at least two 4 hr blocks (but...see #s 1-5), 7) get out and enjoy some time away with your husband to keep your sanity (but...see #s 1-6). Is anybody doing the math here?! It does not add up - ha!


  1. I am so excited for you! Does this mean that all three of you are staying in one room? The instructions are hilarious! It's like saying to a pregnant mom of preschoolers, you need to be on bed-rest. Seriously!
    We may be up in OKC again. If we are, can we see you and Owen? I'm not sure exactly what are plans are, but we would love to see him before he leaves to go home to Michigan.

    1. Hi SuAnne,
      Sorry for my late response! If you guys are up here feel free to come and visit. It would probably be best to call, text, or email me to figure out a time in between feedings. Love to you guys!

  2. I agree on the math. In a perfect world, maybe that could happen. Instructions from the medical staff never add up with newborns. Did they forget to mention spending time with your other two little ones ;0) You are doing amazing with Owen. We cant wait to meet him.

  3. So glad that everything is going well. - Pam

  4. I'm glad everything is going so well for you guys. I hope you are able to go home very soon!
