Welcome to our website, which we created to keep friends and family updated the status of our little baby boy. On Feb 5th, at almost 27 weeks pregnant, my water broke during a two day visit to OKC. I'm now being hospitalized in OKC and will try to post updates here for those who'd like to follow us through this experience. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our little guy.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

25 days

The last few days have been very nice. I was able to go outside yesterday for the first time since I've been here. After 3 1/2 weeks without fresh air it was really nice that my nurse took me out in the wheelchair. It's odd to get around in a wheel chair when I know I'm capable of walking - I almost feel like a fraud. But those are my orders. My nurse showed me some areas where I could take the kids outside to run around if it is nice when they come back to visit. I enjoyed getting to talk to her as well about her life and family and decisions she's struggling with in raising her own kids. I like getting to know the nurses around here. The longer I'm here the more I get to know their stories, and I love seeing how that can open conversation to discuss God and my faith. I like to hope that God can use me in this environment to encourage or challenge some people around me. He has really forced me to "be still", is something I've always struggled with. Maybe he is leading me beside quiet waters, and making me lie down in green pastures so that I can see and hear the people around me a little better. Maybe then I can see and hear how God wants to use me in their lives.

On the medical side, things are looking good here. I had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby measured at 3 lbs 11 oz. That seemed pretty big to me, considering he was 2 lb 2 oz when I was admitted. But the doctor said that is average, right on target. My fluid levels were also 11, so they are continuing to rise. The rupture hasn't healed over, but it appears that the bed rest and my enormous water intake are helping maintain my fluid levels (as well as the prayers of course:). I'm so thankful that he is doing well and he is still safe inside where he needs to be. In the end, hopefully this will just be a healthy baby boy and a great story!

Chris gave the kids a recordable story book yesterday that I had sent home with him. My sweet friend Marcia brought it to me and I was able to record it and sent it back with the kids. It was such a great idea. Ava opened it while we were on skype. I think she thought I was reading it to her - it took a while for her to understand that it was a recording. Then she said "so I can even listen to it, in my room in my bed when you aren't on the computer". I said yes and her response was "cool!!". Today I mailed them some cards & stickers (thanks Ramona). So I hope that will brighten their week a little. One day at a time...


  1. "I like to hope that God can use me in this environment to encourage or challenge some people around me."

    Very cool sentence. Thank you. Please know that your written words have encouraged and challenged as well!

  2. My name is Dana Curtis and I grew up attending Troy Church of Christ. My dad Jim Warren forwarded your blog to me because he thought I might have some thoughts for you. Three years ago I had a baby at 27 weeks because I had developed pre-eclampsia. We named him Christian and he was in the hospital for 9 months and ended up getting a tracheostomy and a feeding tube. His lungs were so weak that he needed a ventilator for 2 years. I also have a one year old son named Sterling who was born at 34 weeks. My water broke with Sterling at 32 weeks and I stayed in the hospital for 10 days before he was born (I went into labor). He was 4 lbs 12 ounces and was very healthy in spite of his prematurity.
    My encouragement to you is to pray and keep your baby in your womb for as long as you can. Don't let the doctors pressure you to have the baby. It turns out the 10 days I stayed in bed with our second child were the very 10 days that a baby's lungs finish developing. Trust me...you don't want to have to deal with the complications of extreme prematurity. It is a rough road and the doctors didn't tell me how rough it would be.
    May the LORD give you grace as you stay in bed and wait. I was able to read large sections of the Bible in the 10 days I waited (and during the 9 months of visiting my son in the hospital). Your days may be long but not near as long as they would be if you have a child with complications from prematurity.
    Call me if you have any questions or want to talk. Dana Curtis 248-396-1058
